Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'll write if you promise to read..Deal?

I remember a time when I used to love to journal. It was a wonderful time in my life. I could get all the feelings and emotions out on a nice clean page, and then I would let it go. I was done with whatever was troubling my thoughts, whatever was keeping me awake at night. I miss the days of my friends on Xanga. There was an honesty about actually taking the time to share what was on our minds, but now in the digitally connected social world we all live in, we are so distant from one another.

 People are on Facebook and Twitter so much. They write a quick update and go about their day. Or some peruse the Newsfeed and find that one status that they will comment on for the day. I guess that's important...maybe not. I tend to not write anymore, because I don't believe that most people will get off their "lazy" long enough to read anything I or anyone else has to say about themselves.

Do we really want transparency? Do we really care? Do we have the time to really get to know our "friends"? Is it worth our time to actually read the inner thoughts of a Facebooker or a Tweeter?

If you want to know more about me, then actually comment and ask me to write more and I will, but otherwise I won't waste my time.

I don't need attention or your feedback. I do appreciate it when people actually are open and they learn something. I don't NEED to put myself out the digital world. I want to let you in, but I feel that I don't NEED to do it. I would just as happy living in a none "Socially Networked" world than participating in one.

As a friend of mine said pertaining to Facebook and Twitter, "It's a false connection, false community and I participate in both."


Share your thoughts. Give me your feedback: good, bad, ugly, and what needs to be improved.